La Restauration des forêts dans le Cœur de l'Afrique: les Efforts de la Communauté dans la VOITURE

In the heart of Africa, The Restoration Initiative (TRI) is addressing severe forest degradation in five different zones in the southern regions of Bangui, Mbaïki, Bayanga, and Pissa, Central African Republic. This region, once teeming with biodiversity, has been degraded due to unsustainable agricultural practices and overexploitation of timber resources. TRI’s project in CAR focuses on the development of nurseries, public-private partnerships, agroforestry, governmental capacity building, and enabling and engaging local communities. 

TRI’s restoration efforts in CAR are centered around addressing severe forest degradation caused by unsustainable agricultural practices and overexploitation of timber resources. These areas in CAR once boasted some of Africa’s most extensive rainforests, and are now threatened by slash-and-burn agriculture and logging. The project has been working to uplift and sustain the protected remains of what once was the third largest forest cover in Africa. TRI’s approach combines public-private partnerships and direct community engagement to restore degraded lands and rehabilitate abandoned agricultural areas, aiming to restore soil fertility and biodiversity.

Agroforestry and Community

The TRI project in CAR has made notable progress in restoring degraded landscapes. The project has successfully restored 501 hectares of degraded land through the planting of local tree species. These efforts have significantly improved the ecological health of the region, increasing the value of essential ecosystem services such as storm protection, improved soil productivity, and increased carbon storage.

The project’s progress has largely been accounted for by the involvement of the indigenous community. A large component of TRI’s restoration efforts entails community upliftment and engagement, and reforesting CAR has been no different.… Read the rest